SUPER 42,5 R
SUPER 42,5 R

Quick-setting cement suitable for the production of high-strength concrete and for structures or concrete elements requiring a rapid increase in early strengths. The higher development of heat of hydration also predetermines it to concreting at lower ambient temperatures.
CEM II / B-S 42,5R is a cement produced by fine grinding of Portland clinker, granulated blast-furnace slag (6 – 20% according to EN 197-1) and gypsum. It attains 2-day strengths ranging from 25 to 29 MPa and standard 28-day strengths of 55 to 59 MPa.
- concretes for difficult concrete structures
- concrete elements and structures requiring a rapid increase in early strengths
- prefabricated concrete elements and construction components (paving, permanent shuttering, kerbs, …)
- industrial floors
- external hard surfaces made of concrete
- plain concrete and reinforced concrete even of higher strength classes
- cement screeds
- a rapid increase in early strength and high final strengths
- very good workability and soundness
- higher development of heat of hydration
- moderate resistance to chemical aggression (up to the XA1 environment)